Heads up, musicians! We are glad to announce that we have finally launched our jamming studio! It took us a very long while to get here but we are finally open!
We searched tirelessly for a space before deciding on calling 111 Kaki Bukit our home because of its space and location. After we got our landlord’s well wishes, we got right to work.
Let’s take a look at how we got here in pictures.

First, we measured the space and then drew out a plan. We divided the space out by putting ourselves in the shoes of a musician and giving each one enough space to move around. 3 rooms were our goal but to date, we only managed to construct room 1. For now, room 3 is our work station and we are working on room 2.

Then we got some fixtures constructed – soundproof walls and air conditioning. This is perhaps the only time we hired some help. Not forgetting our friends for helping us carry up the dry walls!

Then came the most exciting part – unpacking our instruments! We waited a long time for these goodies that travelled across the world right to our doorstep.

Then we moved on to the paint works, which was really exhausting considering how high the ceiling was!
We painted on one coat of primer, 2 coats of base grey paint and then went crazy sponging the walls.

Just the paint works alone felt like a lifetime of exercise! This drained us out completely so we decided to focus only on room 1.

This is a sneak peek into room 3. Well, there’s hardly any work done to this space so it is currently our work station. After we painted the rooms, we began building everything – cutting and sanding wood for wall shelves as well as putting together our own sound absorbing boards that are currently on our walls. We also laid out our carpets on the floors on our own. Thank god for Youtube tutorials!

Then we got our doors installed. Oops, this was also done by hired help. Don’t worry, we did not build these doors on our own!

Once the carpets were down, and most of the things we had built were ready, we began getting the room in shape.

Along the way we had the help of our 3D printer to build anything we wanted – our tricolour button console, security lock cover and so much more!

We worked through the night and practically stayed in the studio on some days to get work done. Here, we’re enjoying dinner while watching Mr Bean.
You can probably spot a soldering iron on the right in the picture. Yes, we soldered most of our wires and cables, thus we were able to run all our cables in the studio nicely.

Once the room was almost done, we worked at putting together our own deco. Here you can see us working on putting record vinyls in frames.

We went on a mad hunt in JB for these awesome pendant lights, representing treble (3) cube (shape of the lights). This was a crazy day as it had rained and we had to lug a huge box back to Singapore on a motorbike!
To save costs, we hired a van to collect all our heavy purchases and carried everything on our own, such as the sofa, keyboard and TV.

We invited our friends from Assault to test the studio out. We can’t thank them enough for their feedback which helped us improve the space further.

And lastly, the picture that got our name out there. This was our first attempt at taking a photo to advertise our studio and we have our hand phone to thank for helping us get the word out there!
We can’t be more proud of our hard work and support from our family and friends. Everyone we met along the way played such an important role in helping us make our studio ready for LAUNCH DAY! A special shout out of thanks to all our friends for making this happen for us.
What are you waiting for? Come and experience Treble Cube Productions for yourselves! With our smallest jamming studio measuring 300 sq ft, you’ll definitely enjoy having your rehearsals here.
Find out more about our features and rooms by clicking it to explore what we have to offer. Everything was designed with our users in mind so we think you might like it.
For a limited time only, we will be only be charging our rooms at $20 per hour instead of $25 so take full advantage of this promo now by making a booking by clicking here!